Augsburger, de Pascual y Chozas, presentados por Varlion

Augsburger, de Pascual y Chozas, the best in Argentina, join Varlion.

In Varlion we continue to bet on young talent and of this are the 3 new signings that we are going to tell you about: Leo Augsburger, Juani de Pascual and Alex Chozas.

Leo Augsburger jugando al pádel

Leo Augsburger, player of  Varlion Pro Team.

Leo Augsburger, the records kid.


Leo Augsburger, natural de Misiones (Argentina), se incorporó al Varlion Junior Team a principios de 2020.  Con solo 16 años, en su primer torneo profesional, sorprendió a todos con un récord difícil de olvidar: ¡ganó su primer torneo AJPP partiendo desde pre qualy


Leo, actualmente es Nº1 de Argentina y reciente campeón del Torneo Másters junto a su pareja de circuito, Juani de Pascual.

Leo will play with the new Bourne Summum Prisma, a professional level racket that is teardrop shaped and made for players looking for control and power. This racket, made primarily of carbon fiber, comes in two versions. To solve the changes that the temperature exerts on the materials of the blades, this model has been manufactured with two types of rubber: a softer one, called “W“, recommended for use at low temperatures or up to 25ºC; and a harder one, called “S“, recommended for use at temperatures above 25ºC.


This racket has a rough texture (called “Slice“) that helps to apply effects on the balls. It has a wider sweet spot, a longer grip than usual and a diffuser in the center of the racket that provides greater maneuverability and precision. All the information about the Bourne Summum Prisma 2022 in this link.

Leo Augsburger, the records kid.

Leo Augsburger, born in Misiones (Argentina), joined the Varlion Junior Team at the beginning of 2020.  At only 16 years old, in his first professional tournament, he surprised everyone with a record difficult to forget: he won his first AJPP tournament starting from pre qualy!

Leo, currently No. 1 in Argentina and recent champion of the Masters Tournament with his tour partner, Juani de Pascual.

Leo will play with the new Bourne Summum Prisma, a professional level racket that is teardrop shaped and made for players looking for control and power. This racket, made primarily of carbon fiber, comes in two versions. To solve the changes that the temperature exerts on the materials of the blades, this model has been manufactured with two types of rubber: a softer one, called “W“, recommended for use at low temperatures or up to 25ºC; and a harder one, called “S“, recommended for use at temperatures above 25ºC.

This racket has a rough texture (called “Slice“) that helps to apply effects on the balls. It has a wider sweet spot, a longer grip than usual and a diffuser in the center of the racket that provides greater maneuverability and precision. All the information about the Bourne Summum Prisma 2022 in this link.

Juani de Pascual jugando un partido en World Padel Tour

Juani de Pascual during his WPT debut in Buenos Aires.

Juani de Pascual and a special debut.


Juani de Pascual, born in Pergamino (Argentina), became Leo Augsburger’s tour partner… and what a pair! They started winning match after match and tournament after tournament, until both became unbeatable and became the Nº1 of Argentine padel. Another record for the young couple that managed to dominate the circuit at only 17 years old.


Juani, made his debut in the World Padel Tour of Buenos Aires at the La Rural pavilion, nothing more and nothing less than against Capra and Maxi Sanchez. The player from Pergamino closed the year as No. 2 in Argentina.

Juani will play with the new Bourne Summum Prisma, the same one that Leo will play with. In addition to the specifications mentioned above, this racket has the Prisma frame, with which we managed to reduce by 90% the point of contact of the frame against walls and surfaces, as well as 10% of air resistance. All this translates into a better maneuverability of the racket and greater acceleration capacity in the blows. This frame is also reinforced with the prism protector, an adhesive protector that adapts perfectly to its shape, which in addition to protecting the frame, serves to protect the junction with the plane of the blade.


Finally, it is worth mentioning the Handlesafety technology, a new grip safety system.  With this system, the string goes through the two walls of the handle and comes out on both sides of the handle, thus providing 100% safety and comfort in the grip.

Juani de Pascual and a special debut.


Juani de Pascual, born in Pergamino (Argentina), became Leo Augsburger’s tour partner… and what a pair! They started winning match after match and tournament after tournament, until both became unbeatable and became the Nº1 of Argentine padel. Another record for the young couple that managed to dominate the circuit at only 17 years old.


Juani, made his debut in the World Padel Tour of Buenos Aires at the La Rural pavilion, nothing more and nothing less than against Capra and Maxi Sanchez. The player from Pergamino closed the year as No. 2 in Argentina.

Juani will play with the new Bourne Summum Prisma, the same one that Leo will play with. In addition to the specifications mentioned above, this racket has the Prisma frame, with which we managed to reduce by 90% the point of contact of the frame against walls and surfaces, as well as 10% of air resistance. All this translates into a better maneuverability of the racket and greater acceleration capacity in the blows. This frame is also reinforced with the prism protector, an adhesive protector that adapts perfectly to its shape, which in addition to protecting the frame, serves to protect the junction with the plane of the blade.


Finally, it is worth mentioning the Handlesafety technology, a new grip safety system.  With this system, the string goes through the two walls of the handle and comes out on both sides of the handle, thus providing 100% safety and comfort in the grip.

Alex Chozas durante un torneo de pádel en Córdoba (Argentina)

Alex Chozas, Varlion Pro Team player, during a tournament in Córdoba (Argentina).

Alex Chozas, from rival to partner.


After the signings of Leo and Juani, came Alex Chozas. Alex, currently No. 3 of the AJPP was a tough rival for the No. 1 couple of the circuit every time they faced each other.

Alex, who has been champion in different occasions and categories, finally joined the Varlion Pro Team to end up being the ‘cherry’ that closed this podium.


In this new year, the 3 players will continue playing the Argentine circuit to consolidate, but they will also play tests and matches in the APT Padel Tour looking to make the leap to reach the highest level of international competition in 2023.

Alex’s partner on the courts will be the Maxima Summum Prisma, a racket made of carbon fiber and with a rounded teardrop shape, designed for players looking for control in their game without sacrificing power.


The Maxima Summum Prisma, also designed in two models to combat the problems that temperatures exert on the materials (W or S), has in its frame the Prisma protector and consists of Summum Technology, Slice and Handlesafety.


One of the differences with the Bourne Summum Prisma is the point of balance, since in the Maxima, it is in a medium-low point.

Alex Chozas, from rival to partner.


After the signings of Leo and Juani, came Alex Chozas. Alex, currently No. 3 of the AJPP was a tough rival for the No. 1 couple of the circuit every time they faced each other.

Alex, who has been champion in different occasions and categories, finally joined the Varlion Pro Team to end up being the ‘cherry’ that closed this podium.


In this new year, the 3 players will continue playing the Argentine circuit to consolidate, but they will also play tests and matches in the APT Padel Tour looking to make the leap to reach the highest level of international competition in 2023.

Alex’s partner on the courts will be the Maxima Summum Prisma, a racket made of carbon fiber and with a rounded teardrop shape, designed for players looking for control in their game without sacrificing power.


The Maxima Summum Prisma, also designed in two models to combat the problems that temperatures exert on the materials (W or S), has in its frame the Prisma protector and consists of Summum Technology, Slice and Handlesafety.


One of the differences with the Bourne Summum Prisma is the point of balance, since in the Maxima, it is in a medium-low point.