We bring you a series of irresistible offers and promotions that you cannot let go. You can choose from our current collections, for the most technical and demanding, as well as our old outlet collections, for the most nostalgic.
– A 20% discount on the entire 2015 collection of paddle rackets. Varlion Club members have an additional discount of 10%.
– A 20% discount on V-Hexagon sneakers in its five colors. Varlion Club members have an additional discount of 10%.
– A 30% discount on the V-Advanced and V-Pro Max sneakers current collection for both men and women. Varlion Club members have an additional discount of 10%.
– A 40% discount on 2013 textile collection of man. Varlion Club members have an additional discount of 10%.
– A 50% discount on 2013 textile collection of woman. Varlion Club members have a 10% discount.
– All outlet shoes, both man and woman for € 29.90 ,except to M1 Pro model of man, which is € 39.90.
– Paddle racket bags of woman with minimal cosmetic defect, for 14.99 €.
– Additional discounts to older existing collections of paddle, polo and racing textile.
ATTENTION: the additional 10% discount for Varlion Club members automatically applies from step 3 of the purchasing process.
We wish you a happy summer!