

Upload the scariest and original photo that comes to your mind using the hashtag #48horasdeterror and you can take part in a contest to win the LW Difusor Carrera paddle racket.

Let your imagination and creativity run free! Dress you up or disguise your Varlion product, upload a photo in your Twitter and scare us or make us laugh to death.
The Varlion jury will choose the most original photo, and the winner will be given a special edition paddle racket, valued at € 330: LW Difusor Carrera.

The contest starts now!! You have time until November 2. That same day, in the afternoon, we´ll announce the winner on Twitter.

Indispensable requirements to take part:

  • Retweet the contest tweet
  • Write the hashtag #48horasdeterror
  • Upload terrifying picture of yourself or your Varlion product

Good luck!